Wednesday 9 April 2008

Consolidated EU Lisbon Treaty Update April 2008

In a short while consolidated versions of the EU’s Treaty of Lisbon are going to be published, with web publication 15 April 2008 followed by book versions 9 May 2008 (Europe day), presumably in 23 treaty languages.

The Council has made a wise decision by relinquishing its absurd and counter-productive opposition to readable treaties, but its marketing of this new-found openness could have been more vigorous and transparent.

The Commission quietly updated its Questions and Answers section about the Lisbon Treaty in the following way:

“A consolidated version of the Treaty will be published on 15 April on the web and on 9 May on paper version.”

Margot Wallström, at least, highlighted the importance of readable, consolidated versions of the Lisbon Treaty, both the IIEA’s and the coming ‘official’ version, when she spoke to the Irish Institute of European Affairs in Brussels, 7 April 2008:

One small point where Wallström was a bit too selective, in my opinion, concerned the publication of consolidations:

The latest treaty to have entered into force is the Treaty of Nice, signed in 2001. Outside the Council web communications have advanced considerably since then.

And the draft Constitution and the Constitutional Treaty, which never entered into force, were quickly published (and they were already readable, ‘consolidated’ treaties).


The Lisbon Treaty is arguably the most important European Union document since 2004

As a tribute to those individuals and organisations who have served the public by preparing and publishing consolidated versions in a considerable number of EU languages, I want to publish a list of the consolidations of the Lisbon Treaty I am aware of, often thanks to the help of kind readers.


The languages are mentioned in alphabetical order in English:


The EU information of the Danish parliament communicates actively. Some information is available in English, too. The consolidated Lisbon Treaty is an update.

Folketingets EU-Oplysning: Sammenskrevet udgave af udkastet til Lissabon-traktaten og det gaeldande traktatunderlag; Bind 1 Traktater, Bind 2 Protokoller og erklaeringer;



The DJ Nozem blog pointed me towards this new consolidation in Word format, compiled by René Barents and posted on the web site of the daily NRC Handelsblad.

René Barents: Geconsolideerde teksten van het Verdrag betreffende de Europese Unie en het Verdrag betreffende de werking van de Europese Unie zoals gewijzigd door het Verdrag van Lissabon

I want to thank Anonymous who brought to our attention that the government of the Netherlands has published a complete Dutch version of the Treaty of Lisbon on the web pages of the Foreign Ministry,

The web pages offer us the TEU, TFEU, Euratom Treaty, the Protocols and the Final Act:

1. Verdrag betreffende de Europese Unie
2. Verdrag betreffende de werking van de Europese Unie (voorheen EG-Verdrag)
3. Verdrag tot oprichting van de Europese Gemeenschap voor Atoomenergie (Euratom)
4. Protocollen gehecht aan het Verdrag betreffende de Europese Unie, het Verdrag betreffende de werking van de Europese Unie en/of het Verdrag tot oprichting van de Europese Gemeenschap voor Atoomenergie
5. Slotakte bij het Verdrag van Lissabon, inclusief Verklaringen




Peadar ó Broin at the Institute of International and European Affairs (Dublin, Ireland) has produced a complete updated consolidation of the amended treaties, including the protocols and annexes, in a format easy to read (pdf).

Treaty on European Union
Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union
Annexes to the EU and FEU Treaties
Protocols to the EU and FEU Treaties and, where appropriate, to the EAEC Treaty

Go to


Professor Steve Peers has painstakingly compiled an annotated version consisting of several files for the Statewatch Observatory on the EU Constitution and the Reform Treaty, where similarities and differences between the different reform stages are highlighted. Informative, if you know what you are looking for.

Go to


The UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office published a complete consolidated version of the Treaty of Lisbon. The ratification debate in the House of Commons is ongoing.

The FCO web pages on Britain in the EU contain both general information on the Reform Treaty and answers on specific questions in addition to the consolidation I just mentioned. For the consolidated version of the Lisbon Treaty, see Command Paper 7310 ‘Consolidated texts of the EU Treaties as amended by the Treaty of Lisbon’:

The FCO also published Command Paper 7311 ‘A comparative table of the current EC and EU Treaties as amended by the treaty of Lisbon’, which briefly sets out the similarities and differences between the Lisbon Treaty and the other relevant Treaties article by article. Available through the Official Documents web page (as is Cm 7310 mentioned above):

Markus Walther

Markus Walther, a German student from Leipzig, who produced and published a German consolidated version of the EU Treaty of Lisbon on his web site, posted an English readable consolidated version as well (a preliminary document without protocols and charter).

Go to

Open Europe

Open Europe produced a consolidated version with the Treaty of Lisbon and the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe presented side by side for convenient comparison.

Open Europe: The Lisbon Treaty and the European Constitution: A side-by-side comparison; January 2008;

The web site and accompanying blog at is an ongoing work to present the Constitutional Treaty and the Lisbon Treaty side by side for easy comparison, with highlighting and tracked changes facilitating the task.

When I checked a few moments ago, Parts I to III of the Constitution were available (with Part IV and the Final Act under construction). Try it out at:



The government and Europe Information, of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, has promised a consolidated version of the Lisbon Reform Treaty, in Finnish and Swedish by mid April, which coincides with the publishing of all web versions by the Council.

I have not noticed if the Finnish government intends to do anything beyond the general Council plans.




The bilingual web site en.europa-eu-audience found two unofficial parallel versions, leaked from the European Parliament, of the amending treaties in French, side by side with the current ones:

By the way, the site is worth following because of its keen interest on availability of EU sources and the evolution of web informatics.

Assemblée nationale

Assemblée nationale : Rapport d’information sur les modifications apportées par le traité de Lisbonne au traité sur l’Union européenne et au traité instituant la Communauté européenne, par M. Axel Poniatowski ; No 439, 28 novembre 2007 ;

Later, the French National Assembly has presented a consolidated version of the Treaty of Lisbon side by side with the current treaties. Look for Assemblée Nationale: Rapport d’information déposé par la Délégation de l’Assemblée Nationale pour l’Union Européenne, sur le traité de Lisbonne ; No 562, Tome 2, 8 janvier 2008 :

Jean-Luc Sauron

Jean-Luc Sauron: Comprendre le Traité de Lisbonne – Texte consolidé intégral des traités – Explications et commentaires ; Gualino éditeur, Paris 2008 ; 351 p. (Prix 20 €)

The book (pages 141 – 351) contains, in a handy format, consolidated versions of the amended Treaty on European Union, the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, the Charter of Fundamental Rights and the Explanations relating to it as well as a modest Index.

In principle, the Treaty texts are based on a version from 30 October 2007, but footnotes take later modifications into account.

Christine Kaddous and Fabrice Picod

Traité sur l’Union européenne / Traité sur le fonctionnement de l’Union européenneecueil de textes (Published 18 February 2008) Staempfli SA (Berne), Bruylant (Bruxelles), L.G.D.J. (Paris) 342 pages, CHF 59.-, 43 euros, ISBN 978-3-7272-9144-9

A complete consolidation in French.



Markus Walther

Markus Walther: Das Primärrecht der Europäischen Union; Endfassung, Stand 18. Dezember 2007; (updated after signing)

Klemens H. Fischer

The book “Der Vertrag von Lissabon – Text und Kommentar zum Europäischen Reformvertrag”, by Klemens H. Fischer (Nomos, Stämpfli Verlag and Verlag Österreich) describes the EU reform process and especially the IGC 2007 before it presents consolidated and annotated versions of the TEU and TFEU including protocols and declarations. The accompanying CD-Rom contains background material and three different consolidations of each treaty: with amendments highlighted and footnotes, with amendments highlighted and a neutral consolidated version.

Zukunft Europa

Just a short while ago Tünde commented on an old post that there is another German consolidated version of the Treaties on:

As far as I understand, Klemens H. Fischer has allowed Zukunft Europa to make his consolidation available to the public on the web.



Two sources reported that the Hungarian government has published a consolidation of the Lisbon Treaty, although was not able to verify it. But I encourage anyone with the linguistic and technical skills to search (and to report back).


Irish Gaelic

A consolidation in Irish Gaelic has been announced by the Institute of International and European Affairs, Dublin (but I have not been able to locate it).

Go to



Peadar ó Broin reported on a version in Portuguese also, prepared by the Portuguese Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

Alternatively, you can link to the text via the website for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

Or you can link via the website for the Portuguese Presidency of 2007:



Real Instituto Elcano offers a complete updated consolidation, with protocols and declarations, in Spanish, compiled by José Martín y Pérez de Nanclares and Mariola Urrea Corres. The former has written an introductory study worth reading.



Sieps – Svenska institutet för europapolitiska studier, the Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies, has published a complete consolidated Swedish language version of the Lisbon Treaty.

Go to the new Sieps web pages dedicated to the Lisbon Treaty:

Ladda ned Lissabonfördraget - Konsoliderad version av EU:s fördrag (pdf)
Ladda ned Lissabonfördraget – Protokoll mm (pdf)

The publisher SNS Förlag has published a handy pocket version of the Treaty of Lisbon in Swedish. Having received my own copy, I am happy to announce that it contains the Charter of Fundamental Rights, Protocols, a Table of equivalences and a five page Register in addition to the consolidated treaty texts.


I am most grateful, if you want to share your knowledge about the Treaty of Lisbon as well as EU law and politics generally with me and other EU citizens: books and resources, such as official documents from the member states’ governments and parliaments, scholarly assessments and popular literature, plus information on the ratification processes.

Ralf Grahn

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