Monday 17 May 2010

The best of all possible European Unions

A few words of irony on standards of governance and quality of information readily served.

In Eurozone transparency: Greek rescue package (17 May 2010) we found that the ECOFIN Council conclusions 9 to 10 May 2010 did little to enlighten the EU citizen who wanted to know more about her future liabilities.

Since we absolutely refuse to believe that obscurantism is the guiding principle of the Council of the European Union, or even one of their fetishes, a minor setback should not dampen our spirits.

In addition, chasing documents is intellectually stimulating and it keeps you out of mischief, so we can candidly add some pangloss to our outlook: All is for the best in the best of all possible worlds.

In the best of all possible worlds, it is merely childish to expect everything to become clear by reading the latest announcement about the decisions or finding references to the materials.

In the best of all possible worlds the most important decisions are taken between governments with national mandates, without the EU citizens setting the course for the European Union. Naturally it would be politically incorrect to imagine that this system is dysfunctional or less than fully legitimate, or that the EU should fulfil its own membership criteria with regard to democracy.

Rest assured: All is for the best. Pay up and shut up.

Ralf Grahn

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